Wednesday, October 29, 2008

While waiting for the ferry, we met a couple from France who are seeing the world in their little truck. It is a camper and they live in it. They came to the tip of Argentina by boat and drove up the interior of South America. They turned right at the coast and are going through Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana before they head down the east coast of South America. When they get to the tip of Argentina, they plan to drive up the west coast of South America, Central America into the United States. They will take several months to tour the US and Canada and end up in Alaska. They have a map on the side of their camper with lines that show their route. They have made other trips into Asia and Africa. We admired their agenda but I think it would be lonely to never have any friends other than your companion and selfish to be touring constantly and not doing any good.

The drive to Paramaribo was beautiful. The dirt road was passable and they are working on the bad stretch of paved road into Paramaribo. Wayne got to see an anaconda snake and almost wrecked the car he was so excited. It had begun its journey across the road, but wasn’t out far enough for us to hit it. It must have been about 14-16’ long. The markings were beautiful. We found our hotel, the Best Western Elegance. We have never stayed here before and it is beautiful, comfortable and perfect. We probably won’t even call the Torarica again. We had dinner at the Torarica with the Tanners and then to bed. We were all tired.

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