We had breakfast with the Tanners and Henny Aroeman joined us. It was fun to see him again. They left together to visit hospitals and schools. We went to Digicel to find out why our phone doesn’t work. It turns out that the symcard expires after two months if you don’t use it every day. We had to buy a new symcard and get a new phone number. We will probably have to do that every time we come. I guess it is an expense just like Suriname car insurance. We have to buy that for every trip. We found Lorette Ibrahim’s dress shop and went in. I bought a blouse. I was excited. It is 100% cotton and black and a size L. When I got back to the hotel and tried it on, it is too tight. I don’t know where normal people buy their clothes, but Sister Tanner says the sizes run really small. She had that problem with Amanda when they went clothes shopping for her mission. She shouldn’t wear clothes that are really tight, but there is nothing else.
We had lunch at Burger King – couldn’t believe it was here – spent the afternoon reading. The Tanners and the Aroemans showed up about 3 so we visited with them until time to go to Tammenga to teach the in-service lesson. Attendance at the lesson was good. There were six out of seven teachers. I did “Deciding the What” and felt that with all of the times I have done it, that this went pretty well. I emphasized the fact that they can’t read all of the chapters in class. We worked on Matt. 4:1-11 which is the temptation of Christ. I discovered that there is no Dutch translation of the LDS Bible. They did not have the footnotes showing the JST. I was able to explain the corrections and why they made sense. They were very receptive. When I wanted lists made on the board, I had Natascha do it in Dutch. All in all, we accomplished a lot. It was hot in the room and at the end, Henny came in with two bottles of cold soda. Boy did it taste good!
We were able to talk to the zone leaders after the lesson and they suggested we call Elders Riding and Holtz to see if we could go out with them tomorrow.