Saturday, April 25, 2009


Our mission president, President Robison, reminded us that we can't go home from our mission and say, "We loved the people". We have to tell which people we loved and why, so the following posts are people and things we will miss when we go home. This picture is of Cat. She owns the yard and has kittens on a regular schedule. Mission rules prevent us from having pets so Cat does not have a name (but she comes when we call Cat). Mission rules say, "Don't touch animals of any kind" so we don't touch her, but Elder Langford has figured out how to pet her and she loves it. She feeds herself on mice, lizards, frogs and toads, so we don't have any of those in the house. She comes to the door and talks to us every morning (and sometimes afternoons and evenings). She meows in different tones. If we talk to her, she stops meowing. She would probably be a good pet for someone. She has managed to get into the apartment several times and I think she got in when the thief was doing his business. I think she made a noise that scared him away. He didn't take everything he could have.
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